Santa Clara, CA. January 9th 2006
The engineering team at intilop developed this multi port, multi giga bit Intrusion
detection/prevention, content protection appliance from a bare concept thru
all stages of hardware and software development thru system validation and customer
This stand alone, rack mount security appliance operating at full duplex sustained
2 G or 4 G-bit line rates performs deep packet inspection and provides intrusion
detection/prevention and company confidential data protection in an enterprise
Development involved: developing and integrating 16 IP blocks and multiple processors in two very large, multi-million gates, Xilinx Vertex-2 and Vertex-4 SOC/FPGAs, custom IP blocks designed include: G bit MAC, Huffman decoder/encoder, email attachment search hardware engines for regular documents, hardware search engine for zip documents, hardware search engine for pdf documents, Network Search Engine Controller, frame packing/unpacking engine, network protocol search/track/storage engine, TCP/IP state full inspection engine, TCP acceleration engine, custom high performance DDR Controller, network processing elements. Intilop also performed complete board design with multi-Giga bit ports, original development of all of the required software elements and modules, including: Snort Rule_code_base enhancement software, its own intelligent GUI, SSL software development/integration, crystal reports software interface, and its user interface.
Intilop deployed their ACE, ASIC+software Co-verification environment to develop very large System-on-FPGAs. It took up to 9 engineers and scientists about 1 year to complete the development of this appliance. The first generation was also developed by intilop last year with deep packet inspection for IDS/IPS appliance at 2 G bit per second line rate.
This unprecedented LAN defense appliance examines all network traffic in real-time in both directions simultaneously and with extra ordinary precision and accuracy. It performs deep packet analysis, positively identifies any violations based upon selected, protocol, port, IP or content rules and block/alert/pass that traffic. The average latency for 1518 byte packets through the appliance is 10 us, which is fastest known today. It can also inspect jumbo packets with same precision and speed. It can also be used to enforce web traffic, email traffic, content security rules/policies and to block any offending or suspicious traffic on the corporate network. In addition, it inspects complete content at sustained line rates, all types of email attachments including zip and pdf files. It can also block web attacks, worms and viruses and is designed to be used as multi function flexible/easy to use general purpose high precision IDS/IPS appliance or content protection, content policy enforcement, email/web access policy enforcement appliance. The implemented functions and features are too numerous to be mentioned here.
An announcement is expected by the customer at the time of its formal introduction and release to mass production.
Intilop developed appliance has Patents pending with a total of 20 claims.
This is a second generation full system appliance developed by intilop for
a strategic Networking OEM.
intilop is an advance technology IP and total system developer of ASICs, FPGAs,
Boards and all related firmware and software providing innovative leading edge
solutions to Network equipment, Network security and Network Storage companies.
4800 Great America Pkwy.
Santa Clara, CA 95054
USA Ph: 408-496-0333 Fax-408-496-0444
Kevin Moore
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